Alessia Falvo is an actress based in New York and a gradate of Neighborhood Playhouse! Alessia recently starred in two films and a theatrical production. Actress Alessia Falvo gives us an insider on her latest film roles. See our Q & A with Alessia Falvo and follow her on official social sites to keep with all the latest!

Q & A with Alessia Falvo

Q: Can you explain your roles in the “Autumn Leaves” and “Saint Vegas”?

Alessia Falvo: My role in Autumn Leaves is Autumn. She is vibrant, complex within her feelings, and deeply scared of always making the same mistakes. She is an alcoholic who lived for all her young life in a bubble due to her parents, so when she finally went to college, she fell in the trap of trying any kind of drug or alcohol possible, as a rebellion move, but without really knowing the real danger of it. She highlights how important communication is, mostly in a family, and being able to make them see the world for what it truly is. I am not going to spoil anything regarding her relationship with Henry, but I can say that to be with someone you need first to be good with your own self. Playing Autumn was a wonderful journey of discovery between so much inner pain, loneliness but also the possibility of getting better and over the hard times. These are challenges that every one of us encounter in their life, at least once, and believing in a resolution after these critical moments is always so difficult, but it’s possible if you truly work for it. Such an amazing message and story!

Regarding Saint Vegas, I am playing Client 3. For this one, I think I am not going to spoil it as much as Autumn, I think you need to see it to understand it. But I can say that unfortunately, money nowadays can really buy anything or anyone. They ruled the game of our daily lives; the more we let them, the more we look like puppets in their hands. My character is part of this corrupted system and uses it to her advantage.
Q: Do you have any memorable moments on set for both projects, and how was your experience on set?
Alessia Falvo: It was such an amazing atmosphere for both sets, I always say “Women do it better!”, but truly everyone was not only professional and ready to roll but also cooperative from the creative side. I had the chance to bring my choices and make it work with the visions of the directors. I think we need more of that, it allows the actor to do their job and be part of the process.
Q: Any special shout outs?
Alessia Falvo: I want to thank Sydney for giving me the opportunity to play her Autumn Leaves and mostly keeping me throughout the entire process. She is a young, very talented woman, and I can’t wait to see more of her incredible projects and stories. I want to thank my amazing co-star Brian Dole for being the best partner I could ever ask for. Always so ready, on top of all his choices and so open to play with the material. I want to deeply thank the entire crew of Autumn Leaves, for such an amazing job, being so cooperative in the creation and the work to make this project a reality!
I want to deeply thank Sam for making me part of such a thrilling story, Saint Vegas. I know her from when I was still in school at the Neighborhood Playhouse, and the support that she constantly gives you throughout the school year and post graduation is so amazing. She is such a good hearted soul, as for an incredible actress, director, writer, producer, everything! It was a pleasure sharing this experience with her. I am also so thankful that for Saint Vegas I had the opportunity to share it with so many amazing colleagues of mine with whom I shared my incredible journey in New York! Couldn’t ask for better people and opportunities!
Q: Can you also talk more about your role in Spring Awakening?
Alessia Falvo: My role in Spring Awakening is mainly as an Ensemble member, Frau Grossebustenstein, and as a cover for the role of Wendla! I loved playing Frau Grossebustenstein, but because of my young age, I decided to focus on her strict side and her dedication to music, until I entered into the fantasy of my student and got loose in it! It was my first time learning so many parts at the same time, but it was a great experience to learn how it really works out there! When I first did my audition at the beginning of this year, I did it because the production company Breaking Borders was looking for Italian and American performers to create a mixed version of Spring Awakening. I was so happy to be able to use my mother tongue in New York that I didn’t even think twice and applied for it! You can imagine my happiness when I received the call!! Being able to collaborate with such a great and diverse group reminded me of the true essence of why I chose this for a living.
Q: Anything else you can share about your latest projects?
Alessia Falvo: These two short films will be released more or less later this year! If you follow the official pages saintvegasfilm and autumnleavesfilm, you will receive all the updates and the premiere dates. Stay Tuned!!!

Instagram: alessia.falvo
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